Monday, March 21, 2016

Menu Plan Monday

Guess who finally got her blender fixed?  This girl!  And we have been absolutely loving the ability to have smoothies again.  Who knew even the munchkins would miss them?  So, you may notice them on the menu a few times.  (And honestly, they might even sneak in a few extra times! Yum!)

Monday (vegan)
Breakfast: blueberry muffins, green smoothie
Lunch: beans and weenies
Dinner: Potato soup, corn chips

Tuesday (pork)
Breakfast: pineapple muffins, green smoothie
Lunch: ham roll ups
Dinner: pepperoni pizza

Wednesday (beef)
Breakfast: sausage, cinnamon roasted squash, green smoothie
Lunch: lunchables
Dinner: beef stew

Thursday (fish)
Breakfast: sweet potato hash over quinoa
Lunch: hummus and veggies
Dinner: with Dad

Friday (turkey)
Breakfast: apple cinnamon muffins
Lunch: sunbutter and apples
Dinner: meatloaf, mashed potatoes, broccoli

Saturday (vegan)
Breakfast: turkey sausage, pancakes
Lunch: roasted turkey breast, fries, applesauce
Dinner: black bean enchiladas

Sunday (pork)
Breakfast: waffles
Lunch: with Dad
Dinner: with Dad

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